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Attention ! Cette fonction n'est pas destinée à dispenser des conseils médicaux ou sanitaires. Pour cela, consultez le site https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus ou appelez le 0 800 130 000. En ce qui concerne les situations et infractions rapportées ici, nous ferons de notre mieux pour vous aider à y faire face, ensemble, dans la limite de nos moyens. Aucune donnée ou information ne sera utilisée sans votre consentement explicite.

Working under the epidemic : a survey for the public good

Launch the survey →

Who should we trust ? The government that wants us to stay home, or the one that wants us to go to work ? How should we deal, both individually and collectively, with these double binds ? What has our work – or absence of – been like since the beginning of the lockdown ? Nobody has a global overview of these issues.

With the help of professional statisticians, our union, CGT, launched this independent and anonymous study in order to answer these questions.

By filling out the form (it only takes a few minutes), you will help public debate on work related issues during the epidemic and lockdown and carry the voice of workers to influence future policies and decision makers.

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The aim of the study is to collect quantitative and qualitative data about how employers respect the rights of workers under the covid-19 epidemic.

Instructions :

  • This study is about your experience as a worker in the public or the private sector.
  • This study is strictly anonymous. Collected data will only be used for statistical purposes.
  • The survey will only take a few minutes, depending on your situation.
  • No question is mandatory.
  • You will be able to express yourself in dedicated sections.